When a new technology capability is primarily driven by research, many of the
components are changing rapidly. As technology for Augmented Reality matures
and becomes the basis of mass market solutions and services, some of the basic
elements need to be published as standards or open industry interfaces in
order for systems to scale and for the needs of industry segments to be met.
There are several open mailing lists dedicated to topic. A series of
community meetings under the AR DevCamp banner during which
the topic of open AR interoperability was raised have been held around
the world.
In the Korean market, two meetings of Korean AR experts have already been
conducted in 2010 for the purpose of exploring standards. In addition, the W3C
organized a workshop on Augmented Reality and the Web to explore possible
synergies between Web standards and technologies and the needs of AR.
The topic of AR is also emerging in standards bodies such as ISO, W3D
Consortium, OpenGeoSpatial Consortium and Open Mobile Alliance among others.
A global view of all AR standards activities needs to be maintained, providing
those who are implementing draft standards in their projects and products a
complete catalog of all relevant specifications and potential liaisons.
Goals of this Workshop
This international workshop provides a single forum for representatives of
all standards bodies and the contributors to AR standards development
processes to meet and discuss their activities and progress, and to advance
new specifications more rapidly than is possible without face-to-face interactions.
The international workshop on AR Standards will permit experts to:
- Discuss current technical solutions which have been proposed by and
to the community, - Prepare first draft specifications of new standards,
- Produce a landscape (mapping) of all AR standards initiatives
and activities, and - Identify the remaining gaps in AR standards.
Call for Papers
This workshop will be based on a mixture of submitted papers and open format
discussions. In order to inform discussions and to select speakers, participants
are encouraged, but not required, to submit papers. Paper submissions must follow
guidelines provided on this page.
Papers submitted using the workshop instructions will be reviewed by one or
more members of the program committee within one week of receipt of the paper. The
final date for papers is Monday, September 13, 2010 (four weeks prior to the workshop).
To Participate in the International AR Standards Workshop
This is an open meeting however, advanced registration via Web is required.
Entry to the workshop, including all prepared content and participation in
sessions will be granted to those who complete this form.
Early registration is highly encouraged. There are 40 seats in the main seminar
room in which presentations will be given. Due to the very collaborative and interactive
nature of our program, we will also have space in adjoining rooms for discussion and
work groups.
Participants representing standards organizations and specific AR standards projects
will be given priority for the seating in the main seminar room. Remaining seating
will be assigned on the basis of submission of position papers (higher priority)
and order of registration.
Workshop Fees
There will be no fees for participation in the International AR Standards Workshop.
Participants are required to pay for their own food, beverages, lodging and local
Workshop Agenda
The draft workshop agenda will soon be available. Updates will be made regularly
and the final schedule published on or before October 4, 2010.
Workshop Venue
The International AR Standards Meeting will be held on the campus of the Korea Institute
of Science and Technology 39-1 Hawalgogdong Sungbukku, Seoul, KOREA.
A diagram of the location of KIST in relation to other parts of Seoul is provided.
KIST is accessible by Subway Line Number 6 Exit at Sangwalogok Station. KIST
North Gate is near exit 4 of the subway. Transit time by Subway from the COEX is
approximately 50 minutes and requires one change.
To reach KIST Main Gate by taxi from the downtown (COEX) area will take approximately
30 to 40 minutes and cost approximately USD$15.
A bus service from the COEX is available to all participants. The bus will be leaving
South Gate #2 (near the Sony Vaio shop) at approximately 8 AM on the morning of Oct 11 and Oct 12.
If you wish to reach Gilbert to verify any details regarding the AR Standards Meeting venue,
please dial 010 8062 1510.
To reach the Seminar Room in which the meeting will be conducted, go to Building 10
at the South end of the KIST campus (near Main Gate).
Workshop Host and Sponsoring
The co-chairs are very pleased that the AR Standards meeting is hosted by the KIST
Imaging Media Research Center which is directed by Dr. Heedong Ko.
If your organization wishes to support the workshop, please complete this form as soon
as possible.
We are unable to secure a block of rooms for attendees, however, we strongly
encourage participants to look over the Trip Advisor page for lodging options.
The Seoul Tourism office provides this page with suggested lodging.
If you are already attending the ISMAR2010 conference and have made room
reservations via the ISMAR Accommodations portal, you may extend your reservation
to include October 10, 11 and 12.
Workshop Organization
Workshop sessions and documents will be in English.
All notifications to participants will be made by way of this web page and posted
to relevant blogs and industry mailing lists.
Workshop Co-chairs
- Christine Perey, PEREY Research & Consulting
- Rob Manson, MOB (Mobile Online Business)
- Damon Hernandez, Metaverse One, Idea Builder Homes
- Yong-Moo Kwon, KIST Imaging Media Research Center
If you wish to provide assistance to the workshop and chair one or more sessions,
please notify Christine Perey, co-chair.
Program Committee Members
The papers submitted to the workshop will be reviewed by the program committee
which will select the most relevant papers and determine the order of discussion.
The program committee includes:
- Jens de Smit, SURFnet
- Dan Appelquist, Vodafone R&D
- Alex Hill, Augmented Environments Lab, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Dirk Groten, Layar
- Mika Hakkarainen, VTT
- Timo Engelke, IGD Fraunhofer
- Usman Haque, Connected Environments Lab, Pachube and Haque Design and Research
- Thomas Wrobel, LostAgain
- Sid Gabriel Hubbard, AR DevMob
- Vinny Reynolds, DERI
- Carl Reed, Open GeoSpatial Consortium
- Lars Erik Bolstad, Opera Software, and W3C GeoLocation WG
- Neil Trevett, NVIDIA Corporation and Khronos Group
If you would like to contribute to the success of the workshop by being a member
of the program committee, please send e-mail to Christine Perey, co-chair.
Important Dates
Date Event
5 August 2010 Summit announced and information issued via Web site 1 September 2010 Identification of Sponsors 13 September 2010 Paper submission deadline 20 September 2010 All paper notifications sent to authors 3 October 2010 Pre-workshop reading provided to participants 4 October 2010 Final schedule published 11 October 2010 Workshop opens at 9 AM
Comments or Questions?
Please address all comments and questions regarding the AR Standards Workshop
via e-mail to Christine Perey, co-chair.