Testbed Design

The final testbed design will be prepared by the advisory committee and testbed management by July 10, 2012 and issued to all participating entities upon payment of the participation fee. Feedback and discussion about testbed design with participating entities will be encouraged. For purpose of discussion and planning, we provide the information below.

The Fira Barcelona and GSMA will prepare the testbed venue with a floor plan and taped pathways to indicate where pedestrian traffic will be permitted. Restrooms, concessions and other facilities for the user will secured for the purpose of the testing. A zone of sample stands similar in dimension and material to that which will be in place during Mobile World Congress but without decorations will be in place during pre-test phases of the testbed.

Based on the information disclosed in the qualification form, considerations will be given to reduce or eliminate possible interference of similar or competing signaling and technologies.

Once the stands and taped pathways are in place, there will be an introductory tour indicating the periphery of the test zone, and all parameters disclosed to the participating entities in advance within the testbed design document will be shown/verified and validated.

Upon completion of the facility tour, we anticipate four phases of the testbed:

  • pre-test beacon and infrastructure deployments and mapping
  • 1st run trials
  • adjustments and modifications as needed
  • 2nd run trials

At the conclusion of the trials, a committee of vendor-neutral experts will compile the results of the testbed in an annonymized fashion permitting each participant to only know their results relative to the others (rankings).


During this phase the participants will be able to mount and configure their hardware and/or software in the venue. Participating entities with mapping systems will be invited to perform measurements and capture all relevant information about the space.

1st run trials

The order of participation in the trials will be determined using random number generation.

Drawn at random, the participant will be given an entry and exit point and some points in the floor plan that must be identified/fixed in the space. We estimate that there will be twenty points of interest (PoI) that must be registered. Documentation to confirm the readings on the mobile device in position with the PoI will be performed by testbed staff.

There will be some interferences such as low light conditions, high frequency audio signals and other real-world obstacles deployed in the testbed. The introduction of the interferences will be performed by the design committee, outside the knowledge of the participating companies. These will be moved and changed for each trial. The participant's time to complete the tasks will be measured and points will be earned or lost according to the achievement of tasks.


After the conclusion of the first run, the participants will be able to re-enter the testbed zone and make modifications as needed.

2nd run trials

The participants will once again be given a random set of entry and exit points and new tasks to perform. 



  • At-a-Glance

    A one day event for providers of indoor positioning and navigation technologies to perform evaluations in a secure, confidential and real-world environment.

    Where: Gran Via, Barcelona
    When: 4th Quarter 2012

  • Registration

    If you wish to participate in the testbed, complete the qualification form on our site and we will provide you with additional details.

  • Sponsorship

    There are several sponsorship levels available. Once agreements are in place, announcements will be made and sponsor logos will appear on the site.