
This workshop focuses on the functional requirements for enterprise AR components. Enterprise AR customers have requirements that differ substantially from those of consumers. Having functional requirements directly benefits enterprise customers: products and services will have interoperability, customer RFPs will be easier to create and respond to, and research as well as development communities will have more clear understanding of the requirements of enterprise AR buyers.

Those ISMAR attendees conducting research about enterprise AR and providers of AR components and solutions will have clear definitions of customer needs. This will lead to the highest value research and greater enterprise AR project success which can then be used to influence research agendas, development roadmaps and future products.

A preliminary set of enterprise AR requirements was created in 2016 through a collaboration between UI LABS (DMDII) and the AREA and delivered through a project led by Lockheed Martin, Caterpillar and Procter & Gamble. In 2017 and 2018, through several additional cycles of input by stakeholders, these requirements have since been refined. The figure below captures the latest requirements schema.

This workshop will shed new light on the requirements’ current status, and provide valuable inputs to the further refinement and applications of the enterprise AR requirement documents.