
Required project elements include

  • Rich 2D and 3D data of indoor and exterior spaces (we call these the data sets)
  • Developers with creative ideas for AR in Basel submitting their entries to the App Challenge
  • End users with Smartphones connected to high speed networks
  • Web-based information portal or “hub” of Web pages about the project and exciting experiences
  • Partners to promote availability of the AR experiences to the citizens and visitors of Basel, and
  • Creativity and imagination.

3D models and AR

One of the attributes of the real world in a city as well as outside its perimeter, is that it is three dimensional. One of the most important aspects of mobile AR is the ability, unlike information that is presented on a computer screen without the “real world”, to accurately combine digital and physical world information. In 3D, a sign which is on the surface of the boat on the river will change in shape as the boat geometry changes.

Visit this page to learn more about the ways that 3D and AR in urban environments such as Basel can contribute to rich experiences for users.

Creativity and Imagination

Many new experiences are possible when combining AR client applications with local information in an urban environment. We believe that services meeting many more needs will develop when more people have access to the data and platforms for creating mobile AR experiences. Some people have also experimented with the use of mobile Augmented Reality to “reduce” reality, or to remove, cover up, blemishes in the real world so that they seem to disappear before the users eyes. In essence the application takes the surrounding physical world and makes a “patch” to cover up that which is unattractive to the user. Imagine if the city graffiti could “digitally disappear” or be covered over with digital flowers!