Geospatial World Forum in Geneva

Next week the leaders in geospatial technology are meeting in the city of Geneva during the Geospatial World Forum. This is an excellent opportunity to learn about the state of the art in geospatial data capture, analysis and visualization.

There are stands in an exhibition area and a very full agenda of presentations. Thursday, May 8 is "Swiss Day."

We will attend to spread the word about our Showcase as well as to conduct a meeting of people interested in the 3D Geospatial Geneva project at 15h00 at the Restaurant Ariana.

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GEOSS Work Plan Symposium

On April 28, we were able to attend the Work Plan Symposium of the Group on Earth Observations. During these sessions we learned about current activities to make geospatial information more accessible. The primary target users of the GEOSS (GEO System of Systems) are researchers and policy makers, however, we can imagine how, in the future, the accessibility of data will inspire people who provide services to business and the public at large will also want to use the data. 

We were particularly impressed with the session on the data sharing principles. The GEOSS Data Sharing Activitiy is developing infrastructure and proposing policy to the data providers and consumers/users. 

During the session about Science and Technology Commnity, Hans-Peter Plag explained to the audience how he sees the concept of "Human sensor" networks, involving crowd sourced data, leading to data integration at a level never seen before. This visionary speaker called for cross-community activities and warned that there are competitive activities simply due to the fact that certain audiences are unaware of GEOSS work to date. Hans-Peter Plag is an IEEE volunteer working in the International Committee on Earth Observations.

We also learned about user-driven data GEOSS activities which are highly appropriate to showcases such as 3D Geospatial Geneva. During this session there was a presentation about the EU-fuded CITY-SENSE project that uses mobile sensors to collect data and create a citizen observatory. This seems very complementary to the SmartSantander project.

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Mobile Developer Outreach Campaign Begins

There are only 7 weeks until the opening of the OGC Geneva Technical Committee meeting on June 10. That's also the day we are going to load the Showcase projects on Android tablets in preparation for the event on June 12.  

Today we launched the Showcase outreach campaign with targeted e-mail over 100 developers, to partners and to the providers of technology that could be valuable to developing innovative projects in Geneva. 

We contacted the organizers of Open Knowledge Foundation, Open Data.chMobile Monday Switzerland and executive director of Alp ICT.

We are also preparing for the first sponsor and partner teleconference to take place Thursday April 24

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3D GVA will be introduced to CityGML SWG

Today we briefed the co-chair of the OGC CityGML Standards Working Group, Steve Smyth, about the 3D Geospatial Geneva Showcase and were invited to present on Tuesday April 29, 2014 to the members of the CityGML Standards Working Group during their weekly meeting.

The CityGML SWG participants are amongst some of the most active in the world in the use of 3D city models and we look forward to receiving their feedback and suggestions.   

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Meet the First Showcase Data Providers

The 3D Geospatial Geneva Showcase is made possible by the contributions and support of organizations that share common vision and can invest their resources towards the successful definition, refinement and acheivement of Showcase goals

The first two organizations from which we requested data sets were immediately responsive and ready to explore how they could help with the Showcase. If you can read French or use a translation service, invite you to learn more about the geospatial information group of the Information Systems of Territory of Geneva (SITG) from their web site.  

MeteoSuisse (also referred to as MeteoSwiss) is also highly responsive and a full ally in the Showcase success. The Product Management group of MeteoSuisse will soon supply a data set for developers to download and will also be seeking to learn from developers how they need or want the data exposed and prepared. The goals will be further clarified on the MeteoSuisse page on this Web site.

The UK Met Office is another of the showcase sponsors and seeks to stimulate the discussion around how to deliver data about the conditions of a place in 3D and taking into account the temporal dimension. Learn more about the UK Met Office participation in this project from the Met Office page on this Web site.

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Showcase Pre-Event Meeting Schedule

There's a lot to do before we conduct a successful event on the shores of Lake Geneva on June 11. We can communicate by way of the group mailing list but sometimes it is valuable to get acquainted with others and discover new data sets in casual meetings.

We invite all those interested in learning about the status of the showcase and who plan to contribute to the success of this showcase to attend our weekly organizational meetings.  

Two of the seven planned meetings, on May 8 and June 5, will be conducted in person in Geneva.

Please visit the meeting schedule page for more details. 

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3D Geospatial Geneva Showcase Web Site Goes Live!

We are pleased to share with the public our new web site on which all the information about the showcase project and event is available.

We also have set up a Google Groups mailing list for the project. Anyone can submit a request to join this Group.

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