If you are looking for the mobile-friendly web site it is here.
The directory of participating applications is being updated continuously.
Why a showcase?
Mobile Augmented Reality applications and services are offering consumers a whole
different “view” of their world. The promise is grand, but how many real examples have
we each witnessed and had a chance to evaluate?
Also, think how valuable it will be to see the different applications and services side
by side, under exactly the same circumstances and having the experts on hand to answer questions.
We have designated the time and the place during Mobile World Congress where all who are interested
will show their applications. Come to compare, discuss and critique.
The “real” world will be on stage at Mobile World Congress 2010!

Do you want to showcase your application?
You need only register it in the Showcase directory
and go to Mobile World Congress.
When? Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Where? North East corner of the Courtyard
the area bordered by Halls 1, 2, 4 and 5
Showcase Applications
The following companies/projects will demonstrate their software in the Mobile AR Showcase:
- AcrossAir
- metaio
- Layar
- LibreGeoSocial
- Mobilizy
- kooaba
- V-Gate
- Mobile Acuity
- Sequence Point Software
- Nokia
- Olaworks
- Tonchidot
- WorkSnug
- 8motions
- Telefonica I&D
- int13
- Millform
- Presselite
- ARToolworks
Will this be covered by blogs and media?
Yes. We are lining up coverage of the Mobile AR Showcase @MWC
by major technology blogs as well as by the focused Augmented Reality bloggers.
Would you like to participate?
If you are planning to come to the Mobile Augmented Reality Showcase
@ Mobile World Congress and you have a smartphone, then go to the
Apple AppStore, the Android Market and the Ovi Store and download the
applications from companies mentioned above.
On February 17, don't forget to bring your business cards, your mobile
handset and your open mind! And maybe an umbrella if it begins to rain.
If you are a provider of an application or service and you would like to
demonstrate as part of the Mobile AR Showcase, there is no cost. We only
request that you help us to populate the Showcase directory of applications
by completing this form (same as button above).
Mobile Friendly!
We have established a mobile-friendly web site for the Mobile AR Showcase.
Please visit the web site here.
The directory of participating applications is being updated continuously.
Announcements about the Mobile AR Showcase can also be Tweeted
using #ARshow.